ABOUT THIS WEB RESOURCE: Most of us know someone who has been or is currently suffering domestic abuse. We may not know it, but we do.
Our churches are to be safe places for hurting people. We as followers of Jesus are to be a healing empowering presence in the lives of wounded and mistreated people.
We cannot, however, fulfill those mandates unless we understand the dynamics and signs of domestic abuse and know what trauma-informed therapy is. Few of us are qualified to provide this specialized therapeutic care. We can, however, guide people to the kind of care they need.
About our Presenter
Charlene Quint is a family law attorney in the Chicago area who focuses her practice on helping women overcome domestic abuse. She wrote Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusersto help victims of domestic abuse become the fearless victors that God designed them to be. She is the founder of AbuseCare.org, a non-denominational faith-based organization designed to provide hope and healing to women on their journey from victim to victorious and to educate and equip churches in caring for victims of domestic abuse.
Quint is co-chair of the Partnership for a Safer Lake County, a network of organizations combating all forms of abuse. She is a Certified Domestic Violence Professional, an advocate for victims of abuse, a facilitator of multiple support groups, and a domestic abuse survivor. She speaks publicly to raise awareness of domestic abuse and provides training for churches on how to address abuse in the church.
VIDEOS & PDF Resource:
These sessions last about one hour each, viewable below. A resource provided by Charlene Quint is also available as a PDF download to help you in your future work caring for and supporting domestic violence victims and prevention efforts within your congregation:
Guide for A Biblical Response to Domestic Abuse in the Church