Baptists in America have always been a people of mission. Mission describes who we are. Our United Mission contributions give concrete expression to this impulse and help us to be the hands and feet of Christ - from the local congregation to all parts of the world. The total of each congregation's giving through the American Baptist Churches USA is known as American Baptist Mission Support (ABMS). The largest category of that support is United Mission. ABC/NYS & UNITED MISSION American Baptist Churches of New York State - composed of congregations that share a desire to serve Christ - receive 65% of United Mission dollars in a typical year. We are highly dependent upon United Mission giving. These gifts enable us to provide more effective support for your church as it serves as the hands and feet of Christ and carries out its day-to-day ministries. Specifically, with your United Mission giving, we are able to provide:
help with pastoral search committees
assistance with resolving church conflicts
resources to support your church in growth and spiritual health
education and training of pastors, youth, and lay leaders in congregational empowerment
current information on American Baptist ministries at regional, national, and international levels
gatherings for celebrations and sharing in the ministry
the annual American Baptist Youth convention
Through United Mission giving, the Office of the General Secretary provides leadership support to regions through an Associate General Secretary for Regional Ministries - a major resource for regional staff and pastors. Practical principles from studies by the Lilly Foundation and other reputable religious agencies are made available through workshops in regional settings.
"FOR WE ARE WHAT GOD HAS MADE US, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS FOR GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND TO BE OUR WAY OF LIFE." -Ephesians 2:10 THE LOCAL CHURCH & UNITED MISSION United Mission allows your local church to join with other American Baptist churches to do collectively what it cannot do on its own. Baptist churches enter into a cooperating relationship as a way to help us all do the ministry to which God has called us. The collective financial support from local churches funds United Mission and extends the ministry of those churches beyond their local communities.
United Mission giving is evangelism. It helps us share our faith in Christ so that others will have the opportunity to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and be baptized.
United Mission giving is disciple-making. It provides resources for churches and encourages us to be faithful disciples of Christ.
United Mission giving is congregational health. It helps pastors and congregations grow in Spirit-driven faith through a variety of training experiences to more effectively serve their communities.
United Mission giving is stewardship. It provides resources to teach each of us to grow in the grace of giving and to care for our environment as faithful stewards of God.
United Mission giving is the family. It is a way for churches and individuals to give with confidence, knowing that their funds will be used for the whole ministry of American Baptist Churches USA.
United Mission giving is broad-based.It is a way for us to support major gatherings when we come together as an American Baptist family and helps us participate in ministry with other parts of the body of Christ.
United Mission giving is you.
UNITED MISSION ALLOWS THE LOCAL CHURCH TO JOIN WITH OTHER AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES TO DO COLLECTIVELY WHAT IT CANNOT DO ON ITS OWN. YOUR CHURCH & UNITED MISSION We hope United Mission is part of your church's mission budget as a cooperating partner of American Baptist Churches USA. Pastors and congregations generally plan your church's budget in the autumn for the following year. It is our prayer that, as your church begins the budget process, the congregation will:
joyfully come together to celebrate God's grace & blessing
prayerfully consider how much your church can give to United Mission
earnestly seek to increase its financial contribution to United Mission.
Excerpts taken from American Baptist Churches USA Mission Resource - United Mission 2008